Friday, 22 July 2011

A trip to the land of Scots.

I spent last week up in Scotland visiting family before I head off to Paris for the year! eeeek. I stayed with my lovely big cuz Morbhen which was fun (I have never met a sillyer 26 year-old). Here are a couple of photos from the trip...

This seems like quite a random thing to blog about but this is my auntie Kathleen's pantry, it's such a dream! She is a caterer and the most insanely organised person I know. You walk in and there's every type of food and drink you could imagine including tins labeled: mars bars, flakes, chocolate, marshmallows. Ahh I love it!

We discovered Koppaberg strawberry and lime cider yummy.

This is a bar on Bath road in Glasgow called Flat 01. Probably the quirkiest bar I've ever been to, the whole decor is set out to look like a flat party...

including sofas, cupboards, a dining table, a bed...

and jam jars as glasses!

A little vintage cutie we stumbled across called tattybon.

We also went to my cousin's favourite cafe in Glasgow called the Trans-Europe Cafe which was a really sweet little place, it had maps and post cards on the walls....

and bus seats as chairs. The guy in the red top above is the owner, who's a very chirpy chappy who chats away to everyone and even sings while taking your order.

Delish carrot cake.


  1. looks like so much fun here! lovely photos.

  2. Lovely pictures! Love the blue nail color and that cake looks yummy!


  3. What fun!!!! It looks like you found some really fun places to go to. btw I LOVE that blue nail polish it's so yummy(just like that cake =)
